AbstractThis paper is concerned with the development of a numerical model which is based on the direct integral balance of internal energy over an a priori defined subdomain, associated with any nodal point, and on the piecewise temperature and geometrical interpolation inherent in the isoparametric finite element concept. This discretization procedure, also called the conservative finite element method (CFEM), ensures local and global energy conservation, in spite of discretization errors, and preserves the major feature of the finite element technique, i.e. the versatility of its algorithm.The CFEM equations are first developed and then some features of the CFEM matrices and solutions are compared with relevant features of the finite element method based on the Galerkin orthogonalization process (GFEM).To confirm better accuracy of the numerical procedure thus developed, four examples of a comparative nature, dealing with simple configurations, are solved.Furthermore, the stability and oscillation characteristics of the CFEM and GFEM solutions are established by means of the von Neumann approach, in order to show less stringent stability requirements for the CFEM model.
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