November 27 – 29, 2019, University of Stavanger, NorwayPrefaceThis conference is organized as a joint event of the COTech (Computational Methods in Offshore Technology) and OGTech (Oil and Gas Technology) conferences. The COTech conference started as part of the research and dissemination activities of the Program Area for research “COTech - Computational methods in Offshore Technology” at Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger (UiS). This Program Area for Research was founded in 2015 with seven professor, four associate professors, two adjunct professors and five research (PhD) students from the Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science (IMBM), whose expertise and competence lies primarily within use of computational methods such as finite element methods, boundary and volume element methods, computational fluid dynamics and the like in marine and subsea technology, marine operations, design and analysis of mechanical systems, integrity and reliability of offshore structures and mechanical systems, renewable energy and wind engineering. In the offshore-related engineering area in particular, numerical computation approach is nowadays not only serving as a means to cultivate and realize innovative ideas, but also it is becoming the primary choice to solve complex engineering problems for the harsh and unfriendly environment in the Arctic.The OGTech conference is organized as part of a collaborative project called UTFORSK between a team of researchers from University of Stavanger and Gubkin Russian University of Oil and Gas. The overall aim of the project is to make the team stronger and more sustainable. Among others, the project focuses on building a bridge of collaboration in research and education between the two countries, Norway and Russia, that share the Arctic region and to strengthen the research aspects of the Offshore Technology field in Arctic environment. By facilitating mobility of researchers and staff in both directions, the project aims to provide a common and successful learning environment for young researchers (Masters and PhDs) to make sure that students have skills and knowledge required in order to face the challenges that the Offshore industry meets in the North - such as environmental aspects and Offshore Technology within subsea/marine structures in cold climate.List of Conference Organizing Committee, Topic Area Coordinators, Invited Keynote Speakers, Technical Committee Members and Reviewers are available in the pdf
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