Let \mathcal{C}(\mathfrak{g},k) be the unitary modular tensor categories arising from the representation theory of quantum groups at roots of unity for arbitrary simple finite-dimensional complex Lie algebra \mathfrak{g} and positive integer levels k . Here we classify nondegenerate fusion subcategories of the modular tensor categories of local modules \mathcal{C}(\mathfrak{g},k)_R^0 where R is the regular algebra of Tannakian Rep (H)\subset\mathcal{C}(\mathfrak{g},k)_\text{pt} . We describe the decomposition of \mathcal{C}(\mathfrak{g},k)_R^0 into prime factors, and as an application we classify relations in the Witt group of nondegenerately braided fusion categories generated by the equivalency classes of \mathcal{C}(\mathfrak{so}_5,k) and \mathcal{C}(\mathfrak{g}_2,k) for k\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq1} .