As indicated by the title, the main result of this paper is a straightforward generalization of the following two theorems by J. Dieudonnen and by I. Amemiya and Y. Komura, respectively: (i) Every finite-codimensional subspace of a barrelled space is barrelled. (ii) Every countable-codimensional subspace of a metrizable barrelled space is barrelled. The result strengthens two theorems by G. K6the based on (i) and (ii), and provides examples of spaces satisfying the hypothesis of a theorem by S. Saxon. Introduction. N. Bourbaki [2] observed that if E is a separable, infinite-dimensional Banach space, then E contains a dense subspace M of countably infinite codimension which is a Baire space. R. E. Edwards [4] noted that since M is Baire, it is an example of a noncomplete normed space which is barrelled. Obviously, (i) and (ii) provide a plethora of such examples. It is apparently unknown whether every countable(or even finite-) codimensional subspace of an arbitrary Baire space is Baire; (for closed subspaces the results are affirmative). In the second paper [8], which follows, the authors give topological properties other than barrelledness which are inherited by subspaces having the algebraic property of countable-codimensionality. 1. The notation will be that used by J. Horvath [5]. If (E, F) is a dual pairing (E and F not necessarily separating points) then o(E, F) Presented to the Society, August 30, 1968 under the title On determining barrelled subspaces of barrelled spaces and November 9, 1968; received by the editors December 13, 1968 and, in revised form, June 10, 1970. AMS 1970 subject classifications. Primary 46AO7, 47A55; Secondary 46A30, 46A35, 46A40.
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