Abstract Kuosheng BWR-6 plant, owned by Taiwan Power Company, is currently operating at core thermal power of 2 971 MWt. The purpose of this study is to develop a method used to calculate the radiation dose at the reactor auxiliary building and at various rooms accommodating safety-related equipment during the design basis Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA). The method integrates various aspects, including core inventory calculation using ORIGEN2 code, radioactive material transport and removal calculation using RADTRAD code, activity release calculation based on Technical Specification leakage limit and RADTRAD output, atmospheric dispersion calculation using ARCON96 code, and dose calculation using gamma energy and spectrum based finite cloud model. The assumptions used are based on the Regulatory Guide 1.89 revision 1. The calculation shows that the original Environmental Qualification(EQ) radiation parameters defined in the FASR, for the safety-related electrical and instrumental control equipment in the reactor auxiliary building, can be relaxed significantly and the radiation environment during accident could be reclassified, from “harsh environment” to “mild environment”.