Introduction and Objective: Fine needle a spiration cytology has importance in the diagnosis of breast lesions in several clinical and hospital settings. A study was done to assess the role of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in breast lumps and diagnostic significance of cytological features in FNA for diagnosis of benign or malignant condition of breast lesions. Materials and Methods: The study comprised of breast cytology reports and slides recorded over a period from January 2018 to December 2018. Results: A total of 250 breast cytology reports were made over the period. Out of the 250 cases, 140(56%) were benign, 30(12%) cases were suspicious probably benign, 30(12%) cases were suspicious of malignany and 50(20%) were malignant. Conclusion: Fine-needle aspiration cytology is widely used in the diagnosis of breast cancer because it is an excellent, safe, and cost-effective diagnostic procedure. Keywords: Breast, Fine needle aspiration cytology, Benign breast lesions, Carcinoma.