Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have an important role in the Indonesian economy. The Indonesian government also considers the existence of MSME actors important. The proof is that UMKM together with Cooperatives have a special forum under the Ministry of Cooperatives and UKM. MSMEs is a business sector that has quite good business potential where as MSMEs develops, the level of employment also increases. The number of MSMEs in 2018 was recorded at 64.2 million units, while in 2019 it grew 5 percent to 67.4 million units. The development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) has proven to be the main driver of the real sector that direct effect on national economic growth. MSMEs from 2016-2019 grew by 4.2% annually with an average contribution of MSMEs to Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 50% for the last 3 years. Information owned by the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises in March 2021, the number of MSMEs in Indonesia is at 64.2 million, and has a gross domestic GDP contribution of up to 61.07%. MSMEs can absorb up to 97% of the total workforce and can collect up to 60.42% of the total investment in Indonesia. However, the development of MSMEs generally still experiences various problems and is not fully in accordance with expectations. The problem that is still an obstacle in developing MSME businesses is the limited capital they have and the difficulty for MSMEs to access sources of capital. In order to help access funding, guidance and directions are needed in order to obtain banking funds for these small businesses. For this reason, a program of activities for preparing feasible business planning proposals is needed. This community service method uses descriptive methods, namely through surveys and observations. The initial stage was observation of Bantar Sari Village, Distric Rancabungur, Bogor to identify the business ventures that were currently being carried out. Furthermore, the formulation stage is the identification of the internal and external environment and is continued with the feasibility study stage. Delivery of training for the community, most of whom are MSMEs, is conducted at the Bantar Sari Village, Distric Rancabungur, Bogor, where the participants are quite enthusiastic about participating in the training program, this can be seen from the number of question that were entered.
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