The experimental data of the 28Si(α, t)29P and 28Si(α, 3He)29Si reactions at 45 MeV have been analysed in terms of full finite-range coupled-channels calculations. In the calculations, the reaction paths, direct and two step via the inelastic states of the initial and final nuclei have been treated in terms of the finite-range transfer theory. The spectroscopic amplitudes connecting the deformed initial and final nuclei in both the reactions are obtained from Nilsson's model. The data of both the reactions, populating the 1/2+, 3/2+ and 5/2+ states in the Kπ = 1/2+ band and the 3/2+ and 5/2+ states in the Kπ = 3/2+ band, are best described by about 20% mixing of between the two bands. The effects of normal Woods–Saxon (WS), squared WS and molecular type of α-nucleus potentials are also discussed.