
The cross sections for the production of excited nuclei were measured in the reaction 28Si(p, xpyn)A* followed by a gamma transition to a state of lower excitation energy or to the ground state. The experiment was performed in an extracted proton beam from the accelerator of the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP, Moscow). The reaction in question was identified by a Ge(Li)-NaI(Tl) anticoincidence spectrometer that recorded prompt gamma radiation emitted by the excited final nucleus. The sensitivity of the experiment was 1.5 mb. The cross-section values were obtained for 24 gamma transitions in 17 nuclear products. The cross sections for spallation reactions were estimated. A comparison was performed with known experimental data and with the results of calculations by a semiempirical formula, as well as with the results obtained by simulating hadron interactions on the basis of the GEANT and INUCL codes.

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