In 3-year field model experiments on 2 plots of a strawberry production plantation: populated with a stem strawberry nematode and free from a nematode, it was found that pre-planting treatment of the root system of seedlings with fungal and bacterial strains of bioagents by the fungi Arthrobotrys oligospora VKPM F-1141 and Duddingtonia flagrans VKM F-2574 , as well as a mixed biopreparation Fitop 18.81 hasa protective effect against plant damage by a nematode disease with a biological efficiency of 37-49 %. The length of the roots significantly increased in the variants with the treatment with the strain Duddingtonia flagrans VKM F-2574 and the mixed preparation Fitop 18.81 - by 15.7 and 11.5 %, respectively. Against the background free from nematodes in the variants with preplant treatment with Arthrobotrys oligospora strain VKPM F-1141 and Fitop 18.81, effective stimulation of the number of daughter rosettes by 36.7-39.1 % was proved. The studied bioagents are promising as prophylactic anti-nematode agents when laying fruit-bearing and uterine strawberry plantations.
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