<p>在探討場地依賴對學習成效和表現之影響、及其後續之消費行為的研究中,大多以實體教學環境為研究情境,而欠缺以虛擬教學環境為研究情境背景。本研究以近一年內曾經參與過補教業線上語言學習平台之人士為研究對象,探討消費者之場地依賴與其再購意願之關係,及滿意度對上述關係的中介效果。本研究以網路電子問卷採便利抽樣方法收集資料,樣本來源包含Facebook、Google等社群平台使用者,共收集221份有效樣本。分析結果顯示,消費者之場地依賴與其再購意願為顯著正相關,滿意度為上述關係之部分中介變數,本研究的所有假說都獲得支持。根據研究結果,本研究提出理論與管理意涵。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>Research on the effects of field dependence on learning output and outcome, and the following consumer behavior, has mainly been conducted in the context of physical environment of learning. Little research has been conducted in the context of virtual environment. Using customers who have learned language online within one year before this study as subjects, this study investigates the relationship between field dependence and repurchase intention, and the moderating effect of satisfaction on the above relationship. An online questionnaire was distributed to users of Facebook and Google communities by convenience sampling method. A total of 221 valid responses are collected. The results show that field dependence is positively and significantly related to repurchase intention, and satisfaction is a partial mediator of the relationship between field dependence and repurchase intention. All of the hypotheses are supported. The managerial and theoretical implications of the results are discussed.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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