Rigid fibril (RFs) formation of amyloid proteins is a precursor to many degenerative disorders, thus understanding the kinetics behind their generation could yield important information with respect to disease pathology. These amyloid proteins exhibit what is known as the “critical oligomer concentration” (COC), exhibiting similar behavior as that of micelle formation by surfactants. At low concentrations these proteins generate only smaller oligomeric species and RFs, upon crossing the COC the growth of globular oligomers (gOs) and curvilinear fibrils (CFs) begin, aggregate species that have been shown to be strongly correlated with disease pathology. Below the COC, RFs result in a sigmoidal rise with an initial lag period generated by delayed polymer nucleation. Above the COC, the rapid generation of gOs/CFs result in the elimination of the initial lag period, followed by a secondary rise due to RF growth, producing a biphasic onset. Here, we simulate the growth kinetics of amyloid beta and lysozyme proteins utilizing the theory of nucleated polymerization with off-pathway aggregation, with the assumption that on-pathway nucleation and off-pathway aggregation occur so rapidly that they can be represented as a single step. We show that in order to simulate experimental fibril formation, the primary nucleation rate must be significantly decreased at initial monomer concentration where there is a significant amount of off-pathway aggregates, resulting in a corresponding increase in initial lag periods. In addition, attempting similar fitting with models of the same type produce comparable trends, further supporting our initial findings, and hinting at a possibly inhibitory effect on RF growth by gOs/CFs.
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