Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques implement the surface thickness accumulating through the support of CAD/CAM model for improving the 3D (three dimensional) products. Metal Additive Manufacturing provides design versatility as well as the freedom in fabricating the materials. The preparation technology of the metal composites integrates pressure leaching, agitation casting, powder metallurgy and friction stirring. The strengthening mechanism of the metal composites comprises of ceramic particle, short fiber and whisker etc. The two common strengthening mechanism to attain the high performing material composite are ceramic particulate reinforced composites (CPRCs) and precipitation hardening (PH). Thus, the current study evaluates the strengthening mechanism of fabricated material along with vibrational behavior using Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM). The study fabricated three functionally graded material. The FGM materials are SS316L, SS316L+Inconel 625 + Ti6Al4V and SS316L+Inconel 625 + Inconel 718. The three phase FGM material is annealed at 700⁰C, 900⁰C and 1200⁰C for 60 min. Later, it have been air-cooled to the room temperature. The heating process strengthens the three phase FGM materials. The heating process of FGM material results in the precipitation which might not improve the mechanical properties. Nonetheless, the varied annealing temperature such as 900⁰C and 1200⁰C has enhanced the mechanical properties of the three phase FGM materials. As per the analysis, 60 % SS316L+20 % INCONEL 625+20 % Ti6Al4V material has been completely broken whereas 60 % SS316L+20 % INCONEL 625+20 % Inconel 718 has slight crack which show the increased strength of the material. The resonance frequency in conventional part is lower than the AM part. The resonance is oscillated with greater amplitude at certain frequencies. In damping, a higher resonance frequency is less vibrated in common frequencies. Thus, the study concludes that 60 % SS316L+20 % INCONEL 625+20 % Ti6Al4V and 60 % SS316L+20 % INCONEL 625+20 % Inconel 718 has significant strength compared to parent material SS316L. Moreover, AM has better vibration behavior compared to the conventional manufacturing.
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