The correction for the energy eigenvalues of the Schrödinger equation for a hydrogenic atom in a non-uniform field resulting from the inhomogeneity of the field is expressed in terms of expectation values involving the eigenfunctions of the system for a uniform field. Only the first-order terms in the inhomogeneity of the field are retained. An examination of the symmetry of the eigenfunctions for the uniform field, followed by an application of Gauss' law, shows that the correction depends only on one component of the field gradient tensor, regardless of the symmetry of the field, except for states with magnetic quantum number m = ±1. For the latter states we find the degeneracy is removed provided that the field is not cylindrically symmetric. We evaluate the correction by applying Feynman's theorem to a pair of 1-dimensional eigenvalue equations similar to those obtained in the separation of the uniform field problem in parabolic coordinates. All the necessary eigenvalues are calculated by the WKB method that has been previously employed in obtaining the eigenvalues for the uniform field problem. As the final result we present an expression for the zz component of the quadrupole tensor of the electron labeled according to parabolic quantum numbers. Finally, we discuss the use of this expression in the study of line broadening caused by interatomic interactions (pressure broadening).
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