Introduction treatment, the placenta was expelled out at night without any assistance. Cyclopia is a rare form of holoprosencephaly The morphological examination of removed and is a congenital disorder (birth defect) characterized dead female fetus revealed that the fetus having a by the failure of the embryonic prosencephalon to single orbit with fused two eye balls (instead of one in properly divide the orbits of the eye into two cavities. typical cyclopia) with two separate corneas. Upper Although, most commonly seen in pig and sheep [1], it eyelid and eyelashes were present but both were is also reported in goat [2] and cattle [3]. Similarly, absent in lower area of central eye. Absence of upper congenital arhinia is an extremely rare anomaly jaw leads to protrusion of tongue from base outside the consisting of an absence of external nasal structures mouth while lower jaw was long and normal and nasal passages. The present case study puts on a (brachygnathism). Muzzle, nostrils and typical nose record of dystocia attributable to a unusual cyclopia were absent (arhinia) and that area was covered with with arhinia fetal monster calf having a typical skin above the central eye. That means the nose and monkey face and its successful per vaginum delivery mouth fail to form, or the nose grows from the roof of through obstetrical maneuvers in Mehsana buffalo. the mouth obstructing airflow, resulting in suffocation Case history and clinical observations which might lead to the death of fetus. Location of fused eyes in single orbit at forehead and absence of A four year old, apparently helathy primiparous, upper jaw and nose made the face of calf just like Mehsana buffalo at full term presented with a history monkey face. The left ear was normal where as the of straining for the last seven hours and ruptured water right one was deformed and hairs were present all over bags. Gynaeco-clinical observation, revealed a dead the body. The skin over the forehead was open fetus in anterior longitudinal presentation and left exposing a musculature mass and there was dorso-iliac position with both the forelimb flexed from rudimentary visible fused eyes which also found in shoulder, where as head was totally deviated downward non-descript cow by Gupta and Anand [3]. Ozcan et so that only ear was palpated (Nap presentation). al., [4] reported a atypical cyclopia in a brown swiss Treatment and Discussion cross calf with most significant malformation such as the presence of a median orbita-like opening that did The dystocial condition was corrected by not contain an eyeball and other defects included obstetrical maneuvers and fetus was brought to normal prosencephalic aplasia, brachygnathia superior and presentation and posture. The delivery of dead female arhinia. Similar type of arhinia and cyclopia in a fetus was carried out by forced traction applied on both German Fleckvieh calf were also reported by Schulze forelimbs and lower jaw after proper lubrication. and Disti [5]. Khasatiya [6] also reported a Thereafter, buffalo was administered with Inj. cebocephalus (cyclopia) monster in a cross-bred cow Dextrose normal saline 5% (2 Litre, I/V), Inj. Calcium and noted that epitheliogenesis imperfecta over the borogluconate (450 ml, I/V), Inj. Strpreptopenicillin forehead and body, having rudimentary and separate (5gm, I/M), Inj. Meloxicam (20 ml, I/M) and Inj. eye balls and atypical deformed ears and jaw. Genetic Dexamethasone (7.5 ml, I/M). Following above Vet. World, 2012, Vol.5(7):429-430 CLINICAL
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