The study investigated communication and managerial competencies needed for successful entrepreneurship as perceived by stakeholders in south western Nigeria. The researchers employed mixed method design involving the use of qualitative technique within a dominant quantitative design. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The population consisted of registered female entrepreneurs, female Office Technology and Management students and lecturers in public polytechnics in southwestern Nigeria. The instrument for quantitative data collection was a questionnaire while a semi structured interview was used to collect qualitative information for the study. The instrument was administered with the assistance of six research assistants. Quantitative data was analyzed with percentage, mean rating, standard deviation, ANOVA and t-test while the qualitative data was analyzed with content analysis. The result of the study showed that there are gender sensitive communication competencies and gender specific managerial competencies which female polytechnic undergraduates must master if they are to prosper in the patriarchal business environment of southwestern Nigeria. Based on these findings, the study recommended the incorporation of gender specific items in the entrepreneurship curricula of polytechnic female students.
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