MORE than 100 years after the discovery of chromosomes, new techniques for their investigation are still being developed and the knowledge obtained about their structure and function continues to grow. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) allows the analysis of genomic instability at the chromosomal level (by 10 Mbp resolution). This fluorescencebased staining method can easily detect larger genomic changes such as deletions or additions, aneuploidy, ring chromosomes, or micronuclei (1). These nuclear variations in size and shape and genomic instability are mostly hallmarks of dedifferentiated cancer cells (2). Collection of single cells in the presence or absence of micronuclei with subsequent whole genome amplification and single-cell CGH were applied to detect genomic aberrations in individual HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells. Currently, not only high-throughput array-based CGH but also high-throughput methods such as single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays (with up to >10 kbp resolution), expression arrays, and ChIP-on-chip arrays are available to study gene alterations in human cancers. A SNP is a DNA sequence variation occurring when a single nucleotide (A, T, C, or G) differs between chromosomes in an individual or between individuals in the population. For example, the triplet ACG to ATG contains a difference in a single nucleotide. SNP allele variations are commonly found comparing geographical or ethnic groups. Their greatest importance in biomedical research is that there are variations in the DNA sequences of humans which are related to diseases or cancer development (3,4). SNPs are also thought to be key enablers in realizing the concept of preventive or personalized medicine. The fine mapping and deciphering of specific cancer phenotypes is taking advantage of molecular-profiling studies based on genomewide approaches. The third genome-scanning method is spectral karyotyping (SKY) which is capable of identifying aberrations in all chromosomes simultaneously (5). It is a fluorescence microscope-based approach that uses five fluorophores, single and in combinations, to uniquely label DNA from each chromosome. By means of computer separation (classification) of spectra, spectrally overlapping chromosome-specific DNA probes can be resolved, and all human chromosomes are simultaneously identified. SKY is much more efficient (and cost-effective) than using individual chromosome paint probe 1 (or 2 or 3) at a time to identify chromosome aberrations. In situ hybridization with this complex DNA probe is used in metaphase spreads. This method can identify those chromosome aberrations that are not apparent by G-banding, as well as aberrations in solid tumor metaphases where Gbanding is suboptimal. SKY is a recently developed cytogenetic technique for cancer diagnosis and research on genetic disorders. By simultaneously viewing the multiple labeled specimens in different color channels, it facilitates the detection of subtle chromosomal aberrations (6,7). From these technologies, CGH is probably the most frequently applied assay to scan copy number variations. It uses, like SKY, mitotic cells for analysis. The analysis of the meiotic (reducing) cell division is marginal in cancer research. Currently, the interest is increasing in the detailed analysis of the reproduction and germ cell producing meiosis. Traditionally, meiosis has been more extensively studied in males because of easier access to large amounts of meiotic tissue. Relatively little is known about meiosis in females. Recently, Wojtasz et al. (8) described criteria that allow discrimination and identification of germ cells and somatic cells in cell suspension of female fetal gonads. Side and forward scattering without staining is suitable for isolation of germ cell populations with higher than 90% purity. These sorted cells can then be used in downstream immunofluorescence and RT-PCR applications. The DNA content analysis of the male germ cells is prevalent in cytometry; also the analysis of human spermatozoa is a
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