The present work performs systematic study on neutronic properties of annular fuel due to its high efficiency in heat transfer and low peak fuel temperature. Recent physical experiment on annular fuel indicates the present neutronic study is urgent and necessary. The present work concentrates on the investigations on the reactivity and radial distributions of power and fuel temperature for various annular fuels with different moderator to fuel ratios and different inner to outer coolant ratios. An analytical formula fx,s including fuel exposure (s) and relative radial (x) is proposed to describe the radial power distributions. fx,s has a second order polynomial dependence on s with coefficients following a double exponential form versus x. Monte Carlo simulations show that the suggested function fx,s gives a nice description on simulation data with rather small deviations and can immediately provide radial distribution of power and burnup at any fuel exposure and relative radius. The present analytical formula can be directly used for determining radial fuel temperature distribution. Numerical results based on radial power distributions show that about 150 K peak fuel temperature is reduced by dual-coolant annular design. In addition, the radial fuel temperature distributions in annular fuels are quite flatter than that in cylindric fuel rod.
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