Recent advances in wireless and mobile technologies have led to a new paradigm of the high-techsociety and people’s daily life. Accordingly, wireless and mobile technologies have been gainingtremendous attentions from researchers all over the world in recent years. However, a lot of newchallenges, which go much beyond conventional network systems, still need to be solved for advancedapplications. To further improve the quality of the modern communication, new techniques need tobe continuously explored and developed. This special issue looks for significant contributions andhigh quality research results on wireless and mobile technologies in theoretical and practical aspects,especially on QoS routing, distributed authentication mechanism, automatic security assessment, fasthandover security mechanism, enhancing MISP with Fast Mobile IPv6 and applications in wirelessmobile networks, as well as ad-hoc networks.This special issue grew out of selected best papers from the Fifth International Conference on Broad-band and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA 2010), held in Fukuoka,Japan, and the 4th International Workshop on Intelligent, Mobile and Internet Services in UbiquitousComputing(IMIS 2010), heldin Krakow,Poland. Thiseventwasaneffort to takeupthe challengesandto bring together an international community in the area.The first paper [1], “QoS Routing in Ad-hoc Networks Using GA and Multi-Objective Optimization”from Admir Barolli, EvjolaSpaho,LeonardBarolli, FatosXhafaandMakotoTakizawa,proposesaQoSrouting in ad-hoc networks. Distinguishing from existing works related to routing in ad-hoc networks,this paper designs a QoS-guaranteed solution based on Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and multi-objectiveoptimization. In particular, the authors implemented a search space reduction algorithm, which reducesthe search spacefor GAMAN (GA-based routing algorithm for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks)tofind a newroute.In the second paper [2], Inshil Doh, Jiyoung Lim and Kijoon Chae propose a “Distributed Authen-tication Mechanism for Secure Channel Establishment in Ubiquitous Medical Sensor Networks”, inwhich bio-datais collectedanddeliveredto the serversystemthrough mobile devicesor gateways. Thisschemeadoptscandidatedevices,whichactastheintermediarywhentheoriginaldevicecannotfunctionproperly. In this way, bio-data of patients can be sensed and collected to monitor their body statusuninterruptedly.The next paper [3] entitled “Design of a secure RFID authentication scheme preceding market trans-actions” by Chin-Ling Chen, proposes a RFID mutual authentication protocol for market application
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