Moderate to severe forms of suboptimal mobility on dairy cows are associated with yield losses, whereas mild forms of suboptimal mobility are associated with elevated somatic cell count and an increased risk to be culled. Although the economic consequences of severe forms of suboptimal mobility (also referred as clinical lameness) have been studied extensively, the mild forms are generally ignored. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to determine the economic consequences associated with varying prevalence and forms of suboptimal mobility within spring calving, pasture-based dairy herds. A new submodel predicting mobility scores was developed and integrated within an existing pastured-based herd dynamic model. Using a daily timestep, this model simulates claw disorders, and the consequent mobility score of individual cows. The impact of a cow having varying forms of suboptimal mobility on production and reproduction was simulated. The economic impact was simulated including treatment costs, as well as the production and reproductive impacts of varying levels of suboptimal mobility. Furthermore, different genetic predispositions for mobility issues and their interaction with herd-level management associated with each level of suboptimal mobility were simulated. Overall, 13 scenarios were simulated, representing a typical spring calving, pasture-based dairy herd with 100 cows. The first scenario represents a perfect herd wherein 100% of the cows had mobility score 0 (optimal mobility) throughout the lactation. The remaining 12 scenarios represent a combination of (1) 3 different herd-management levels, and (2) 4 different levels of a genetic predisposition for suboptimal mobility. The analysis showed that a 17% decrease in farm net profit was achieved in the worst outcome (wherein just 5% of the herd had optimal mobility) compared with the perfect herd. This was due to reduced milk yield, increased culling, and increased treatment costs for mobility issues compared the ideal scenario.
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