The optical constants of sodium chloride in a wide pressure range were determined from the analysis of the reflectance and transmittance spectra of a minute quantity of NaCl powder placed in diamond anvil cells. The so-called “reststrahlen band” dominates the far-infrared reflectance spectra shifting from 150 cm–1 to 500 cm–1 at 100 GPa. For the 0–17.5 GPa pressure range, measurements allow accurate determination of both transverse and longitudinal mode frequencies. Higher pressure measurements reveal the B1 → B2 structural transition around 30 GPa and provide frequencies for the transverse and longitudinal modes. This spectroscopic signature on a sample smaller than 100 μm using light of a wavelength close to this dimension was observed, thanks to the high brilliance synchrotron source. In addition, ab initio calculations performed for the 0–200 GPa range predict the TO and LO frequencies. They are validated by the excellent agreement with the experiment.
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