The Everest trend of stratigraphically-trapped Paleocene gas accumulations was first recognized by the Amoco Group in the late 1970s and tested by the 22/10a-2 well in 1981. The well discovered gas–condensate pay in submarine fan sandstones of the Maureen and Andrew formations of the Montrose Group. These sandstones are absent in the 22/10-1 well, some 8 km to the east, where the entire Paleocene section above the Ekofisk Formation consists of shales of the Rogaland Group. A large stratigraphic trap was mapped, relying on up-dip shale-out to the east, and dip drape over a structural nose in the underlying Jaeren High basement block. No sandstones were found in the age-equivalent section of the Forties Formation in the 22/10a-2 well and so a further, down-dip, stratigraphic accumulation was predicted and subsequently successfully tested by the 22/10a-4 well in 1984. These discoveries are now named the Everest Complex. Simultaneously, the play concept was proven to the north by the Sleipner Øst discovery in 1981, where shale-out of the sandstone occurs over the Ling High. A third, similar, accumulation between these two fields was discovered in 1982 by Well 22/5b-2, which forms part of the Fleming accumulation. Reservoirs, which consist of poor to moderately sorted quartz-rich arenites, exhibit a wide variety of sedimentary facies produced by turbiditic and gravity flow processes. The distribution and form of the sandbodies is controlled by a combination of underlying palaeotopography, regional tectonism and global eustatic events. Correlation of reservoir units is accomplished by integration of wireline logs, detailed biostratigraphy and seismic facies analysis The commercial importance of the trend is reflected in the reserves proven to date, which are in excess of 4 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of wet gas.
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