Sandstone-hosted U deposits of the Upper Triassic “Burgsandstein” have attracted considerable attention during the last decades. Paleogeographically, these arenaceousargillaceous rocks represent a fan-playa environment, with a great variability as to fluvial drainage patterns such as braided and meandering streams. Furthermore, duricrusts are very widespread throughout the entire “Sandsteinkeuper” (Upper Middle Keuper). Three types of ore deposition are encountered: Phosphatization took place proximal to the fan head, whereas silcretes (petrified wood) and caliches occur towards the centre of the basin. U black ore with minor Cu-, Pb-, Fe-, and Co sulfides precipitated from ground waters when entering less permeable lithologies under reducing conditions. At a later stage, faults terminating within the Upper Triassic series were mineralized with BaSO4.
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