Aim: This study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude, and behavior of women aged 18–45 years toward osteoporosis.
 Material and Method: A total of 368 females (average age:32.59±7.58) who applied to the family medicine outpatient clinics between 15 May 2016 and 15 August 2016 participated in this study. Participants completed the revised osteoporosis knowledge test, which contained 12 socio-demographic questions.
 Results: The average score for participants in the exercise subgroup was found to be 9.56±3.62 out of 20; the average score for the nutrition subgroup was 12.86±4.17 out of 26, and the average total score was 15.08 ± 4.82 out of 32. In general, the average score of participants was found to be 50% percent or less of the maximum scores of each subgroup of the questionnaire. This result suggests that women have inadequate knowledge about osteoporosis. Participants’ level of knowledge of osteoporosis was related to their education levels, occupational groups, and smoking status. High educational levels of participants correlated with high average scores (p