Multistate semi-Markov model (MSSMM) is an alternative to the widely used Multistate Markov Model (MSMM) for analyzing longitudinal failure time data, but there lacks simulation study for its performance. We simulated multistate data and evaluated MSSMM’s performance in various parameter settings. We considered an extended illness-death model with 5 states and 8 transitions. Three kinds of sojourn time distributions and a trivial embedded chain were used for data generation. We used information criteria (IC) to select models and calculated the coverage of model parameter, effect and survival statistics. We also calculated the standard deviation of mean state occupancy probability (MSOPSD) and the standard deviation of restricted expected length of stay (RELOSSD) from the perspective of multistate model. We found that correct identification of model distribution is related to the selected IC; model parameter coverage is related to the true distribution and transition; effect coverage is related to the true distribution; survival statistics coverage is related to the true distribution, transition and covariate; MSOPSD and RELOSSD are both related to the selected information criteria and covariate. These findings provide a basis for the reliability of MSSMM extrapolation and prediction, and inspire future MSSMM research.
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