PT PJB UBJOM Paiton Baru as the O & M Service Manager of PLTU Paiton Baru 1 x 660 MW has approved the concepts and policies of PT PJB on the Reliability Management Program using the FMEA method along with the Failure Defense Task (FDT). However, the FMEA method that has been impelemented not yet effective. First, because first has not been aligned with existing reference books and international journals where there is no process of determining the value of Severity (S), Occurrence (O), and Detection (D), and calculation of Risk Priority Number (RPN), and the process of decreasing the risk value by using the right Failure Defense Task. Second, based on the evaluation of the results of the site visit at UBJOM Paiton Baru for Main Equipment and Sub Equipment for Seawater Desalination Systems, among 21 Sub-Systems in the Seawater Desalination System using Reverse Osmosis Technology, only 7 Sub-Systems have conducted The FMEA and FDT Workshop or 33.3% of the total Sub-Systems, and 14 Sub- Systems have not conducted FMEA and FDT Workshops or 66.6% of the total Sub-Systems. Third, based on further research on the results of the FMEA and FDT Workshop at UBJOM Paiton Baru in 5 Sub- systems namely Mechanical Accelerated Clarifier, Air Scouring Filter, Self Cleaning Filter, Ultra Filtration Device, Energy Recovery Device, that for determining Failure Mode sourced from Manual Book , PM Base, Existing Unit, and Browsing the Internet, so there is no data in identifying Failure Mode. Then FDT for interval 1Y (Annually) is an Overhaul with several types of inspections that have not been implemented / executed for Mechanical, Electrical, Control & Instrumentation Skills which include Assembly and Disassembly, Visual Inspection, repair or replacement if needed according to the results of Visual Inspection, testing, I / O Check , and calibration, so that FDT with Frequency 1Y (Annually) has not been effective. Meanwhile, based on the results of the Workshop on Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and FDT which has been aligned with reference books and international journals, by calculating the Risk Priority Number (RPN) on Failure Mode - Failure Mode identified and assessed Severity , Occurrence and Detection Levels for 6 Sub Systems, 14 Failure Modes have been mapped with risk categories of Major Risk, 31 Failure Modes with risk categories of Moderate Risk and 2 Failure Mode with risk categories of Minor Risk according to Ranking based on Risk Priority Number. From 47 Failure Modes that have been mapped risk categories, have been submitted for approval Proposed Maintenance Strategy as an effort in recalculating the value of Risk Priority Number (RPN), based on the results of Review and Evaluation of FMEA and Existing FDT Workshop Data Results and Analysis of Equipment Condition
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