AbstractHelianthus argophyllus is a wild species known as “silver sunflower”, which possesses several traits, including morphological traits that increase drought tolerance. Therefore, introgressions between chosen cultivated lines and two H. argophyllus accessions were made, and segregating generations were established. Important agronomic traits including single heading, high pollen fertility, silver canopy (indicating more cuticular wax), and content of cuticular waxes and oil were selected over six segregating generations. The resulting F6 lines showed introgression of water saving traits, as they had lower excise leaf water loss, with comparable yield to standard checks. However, these F6 lines were late maturing and showed poor flowering synchronization between the cultivated and introgressed lines. Introgressed line “D‐22” was particularly promising as a breeding line, with superior agronomic and drought resistance traits. This line had the potential to be used as an inbred parental line for introgression of drought resistance traits into elite sunflower germplasm. Combining ability analysis of the introgressed lines further showed their potential for heterosis breeding or to be used as parental lines in breeding programme.