Staff preparing and injecting radiopharmaceuticals in hospitals may receivesignificant radiation doses to their hands. These doses may be high enough towarrant that they be classified as radiation workers. The influence of localshielding on finger doses has been investigated. Staff preparing radioactive liquidsin a radionuclide dispensary and drawing up and injecting radiopharmaceuticalsin a nuclear medicine department have been studied. Measurements have beenrecorded with an electronic extremity dose monitor, an advanced extremitygamma instrumentation system (AEGIS), worn near to the finger tip. Theelectronic dosimeter allows the pattern of doses received during differentprocedures to be determined. Doses received for individual manipulations duringmany routine sessions have been recorded for different staff members. Dosedistributions around shielded vials and syringes have also been measured usingAEGIS. In the radionuclide dispensary the vials from which radioactiveliquids are dispensed are held in tungsten shields, whereas in nuclearmedicine simple lead pots are used. Syringe shields are employed for someparts of dispensing and patient injections. Data on dose distributions havebeen used in interpretation of results from monitoring. Use of syringeshields during dispensing reduced the finger dose by 75–85%. The peaks indose rate were 60% lower, and periods of exposure to high dose rateswere reduced in length by a third because of the restriction in the regionof high dose rate. The extremity doses to staff dispensing and injectingradiopharmaceuticals in nuclear medicine were of similar magnitude. Dosesreceived during dispensing varied from 10 to 555 µGydepending upon whether the vial containing the radiopharmaceutical was directly handledor not. Dose received from individual injections varied from 1 to 150 µGydepending on the degree of difficulty experienced during the injection.
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