In this paper, we study (i)-curves with i∈{−1,0,1} in the blown-up projective space Pr in general points. The notion of (−1)-curves was analyzed in the early days of mirror symmetry by Kontsevich, with the motivation of counting curves on a Calabi–Yau threefold. In dimension two, Nagata studied planar (−1)-curves in order to construct a counterexample to Hilbert’s 14th problem. We introduce the notion of classes of (0)- and (1)-curves in Pr with s points blown up, and we prove that their number is finite if and only if the space is a Mori Dream Space. We further introduce a bilinear form on a space of curves and a unique symmetric Weyl-invariant class, F (which we will refer to as the anticanonical curve class). For Mori Dream Spaces, we prove that (−1)-curves can be defined arithmetically by the linear and quadratic invariants determined by the bilinear form. Moreover, (0)- and (1)-Weyl lines give the extremal rays for the cone of movable curves in Pr with r+3 points blown up. As an application, we use the technique of movable curves to reprove that if F2≤0 then Y is not a Mori Dream Space, and we propose to apply this technique to other spaces.
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