Since the new regulations still delays, currently, interpreted in this spirit and not its wording, Article 1890 Civil Law, is applied to any real susceptible rights of cancellation, or, according to the case by acquisition by prescription. As the property right is not cancelled by lack of use, the recovery action also cannot be cancelled by the simple fulfillment of the extinctive prescription term, but only indirectly by effect of acquisitive prescription. In this manner, only by acquisitive prescription, Article 1890 Civil Law, extends its effects on the recovery action, in the sense that the 30 year period is acquisitive for the person resorting to acquisitive prescription for the owner of the asset subject to the acquisitive prescription. As a consequence, the right to recover the property is cancelled in the case of prescription only together with the property itself, by effect of acquiring the good as a consequence of acquisitive prescription, without making a difference in its nature.
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