In the latest years, the world has witnessed intense research on the synthesis of nanostructured materials. One of the most interesting methodologies recently proposed to this end is the use self-organized electrochemical reactions, on which the structuring emerges spontaneously from the reaction, permanently engraved on the electrodes. To achieve a robust process for a rational synthesis utilizing this technique, however, one must have a detailed description of the reaction’s dynamical properties, as they are closely related to the nanometric patterns formed [ChemElectroChem, 2020, 7, 2979].One of such self-organized electrochemical reactions is the anodic dissolution of nickel. This reaction has the added benefit of being successfully modelled computationally in the literature, contributing to the dynamical studies on the system [J. Phys. Chem., 1992, 96, 2676]. This work presents a numerical exploration of the system’s dynamics, and its relation to the applied voltage and external resistance, two parameters that can be readily accessed on the experimental counterpart. Dynamical phase diagrams were built by varying these parameters (used in their dimensionless form), using the morphological period and Lyapunov exponents of the time-series to characterize its dynamical behavior.Magnifications of the diagrams’ chaotic regions revealed the presence of self-similar periodic islands (often referred as shrimps) on them, a feature commonly found on chaotic electrochemical dynamics. Period-doubling, a frequent route to chaos, was found on these shrimps, and a period-adding sequence was successfully identified on a shrimp dispersion, even though the shrimp density on the diagrams were low, when compared to other chaotic electrochemical systems.The shrimps were deformed as both control parameters were increased, being stretched diagonally when the system moved from potentiostatic to galvanostatic condition. For large values of external resistance and potential applied, this stretching was so extreme that the shrimps gave place to parallel linear diagonal domains of periodicity intertwined by chaotic regions. Period-doubling cascades were also found in these domains, suggesting that some dynamical properties from the shrimps were preserved after the stretching. The hypothesis that the stretching is closely related to the exponential terms on the Butler-Volmer equations that makes up the kinetic model was raised. Figure 1
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