I wish to present to the medical profession a new device for the detection of malingerers who claim impairment of eyesight. The apparatus consists of a face or head-rest (<i>R</i>) mounted on an adjustable floor-stand (<i>S</i>) which can be raised or lowered as required. At right angles to the upright thereof is a horizontal extension arm (<i>H</i>) which carries a narrow mirror (<i>M</i>). This looking-glass is mounted on a vertical arm (<i>V</i>) with a swivel joint (<i>J</i>) to permit backward inclination if needed. Below the mirror is a protractor (<i>P</i>) which is fixed to the vertical arm. Immediately over the protractor is a pointer or indicator (<i>I</i>) which rotates with the mirror as this is turned to the right or left. Above the pivotal bar (<i>B</i>) on which the mirror turns is a hand-nut (<i>N</i>) for fixing the glass at any desired degree on the protractor. This mechanism is
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