JFSR:A Journey for the Production of Feminist Space Wong Wai Ching Angela (bio) Besides being a journal title, one could also consider JFSR as a journey in the feminist study of religion. If we date the women’s movement from the universal suffrage years, the feminist movement has already had over a century of history. However, despite this, feminism remains a struggle in many areas of our society, not least the academy (although the year count would be much more complicated, the same could be said for the study of religion). The journey in feminist studies of religion thus always embodies a double marginality in that it is only a supplement or an addition to the “mainstream.” In a Chinese society, such as Hong Kong, where people’s priority is economic “progress,” it becomes a triple marginality. When one is interested in feminism and religion, s/he always finds herself falling into the gap between the two (or three). When s/he goes to a gender studies conference, s/he would be the lone voice talking about the life and thought of the religious women; when s/he goes to a religious studies conference, s/he would likely be ghettoized into a designated corner of women and religion. When one goes to a conference on Chinese women or Chinese religions, s/he almost always has to make an extra effort to insert a space for religion in the former and for gender in the latter. This has continuously reinforced a feeling of “neither / nor” in a feminist religious studies scholar that s/he does not belong to one or the other. In this respect, JFSR signifies a journey into “extraterritorial” space—a space beyond boundaries, a place of nowhere. Feminist studies is surely an intrusion into the existing systems and a transgression of territories, entering [End Page 170] at the same time as it exits. Edward Said’s notion of forgoing of possession of land in the life of a traveler meets well with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak’s point about women’s landless identity. Both possess not, yet both arrive anew every time they relocate themselves, for travel, migration, or simply in marriage for women. The space they land in is not for them to own. Feminist scholars of religion are natural travelers continuously departing from one border and arriving at another whenever they research and write. S/he must keep crossing territories and boundaries if s/he is to make sense of women’s experience or the life of all marginalized gendered bodies. So much so that Hélène Cixous contended that women always write in white ink, the imagery from mother’s milk, which does not usually make sense or leave a trace on paper.1 This is the challenge Trinh Minh-ha brings to all postcolonial writing and feminist writing.2 It also describes the journey I took from East to West and back, from theology to gender studies to cultural studies to the latest feminist geography that underscores women’s mobility in and out of family and religion (as institutions) whether they are Christians, Daoists, Muslims, or Buddhists in Chinese society. Feminist studies of religion is a movement from one disciplinary site to another, weaving together multilayers of living space where women of different faiths meet. JFSR takes its readers on this journey, where issues of gender, sexuality, and religion cut across contexts with people of diverse culture and pluralistic background and move toward an indeterminate yet open path for all. To use Trinh’s imagery, writers of feminist study of religion are bearers of fables; they recount the changes in the metamorphosis of life stories from one place to another. JFSR is a space where their authors may write to change. JFSR as a journey also provides a space of creativity, offering both a symbolic site in which an imagined community is brought together by the dual foci of feminism and religion and a physical site on which the advancement of feminist experience and reflective thought is textualized. It is a creative space because it inserts itself in space that is not readily there. It is where Jacques Derrida’s dialectic of supplement...
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