Youth with complex health needs (CHNs; e.g., requiring daily assistance or equipment for care) and their parents face heightened vulnerabilities during natural disasters, potentially leading to poorer mental health outcomes compared to those without CHNs. However, limited research has focused on this group's disaster-related experiences and their impact on mental health outcomes. This study aimed to investigate the disaster experiences, perceptions, and mental health outcomes of youth with CHNs and their parents' post-hurricane and to evaluate the unique influence of CHN- and disaster-related factors on their psychological functioning. Parents (N = 142) of youth with CHNs (n = 48) and without CHNs (n = 94) who experienced a hurricane reported on their youth's and their own psychological functioning, disaster perceptions, experiences, and CHN-related information. Youth with CHNs exhibited greater perceived life threat compared to youth without CHNs. Families of youth with CHNs were more likely to evacuate and faced greater evacuation barriers. They also exhibited greater PTS, depressive, and anxiety symptom severity compared to those without CHNs. Financial healthcare concerns were not associated with youth with CHNs or their parents' mental health symptomatology. Hurricane-impeded access to healthcare necessities was associated with youth and parent PTS and depressive symptom severity and youth anxiety symptom severity. These findings underscore the vulnerabilities of youth with CHNs and their parents' post-hurricane, emphasizing the need for tailored mental health services and improved disaster planning resources to support this population effectively.
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