The age of information (AoI) is a new performance metric recently proposed for measuring the freshness of information in information-update systems. In this work, we conduct a systematic and comparative study to investigate the impact of scheduling policies on the AoI performance in single-server queues and provide useful guidelines for the design of AoI-efficient scheduling policies. Specifically, we first perform extensive simulations to demonstrate that the update-size information can be leveraged for achieving a substantially improved AoI compared to non-size-based (orarrival-time-based) policies. Then, by utilizing both the update-size and arrival-time information, we propose three AoI-based policies. Observing improved AoI performance of policies that allow service preemption and that prioritize informative updates, we further propose preemptive, informative, AoI-based scheduling policies. Our simulation results show that such policies empirically achieve the best AoI performance among all the considered policies. However, compared to the best delay-efficient policies (such as shortest remaining processing time (SRPT)), the AoI improvement is rather marginal in the settings with exogenous arrivals. Interestingly, we also prove sample-path equivalence between some size-based policies and AoI-based policies. This provides an intuitive explanation for why some size-based policies (such as SRPT) achieve a very good AoI performance.
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