Lactic bacteria are capable to ferment simple sugar s and produce lactic acid as single or main metabolite. This capacity makes possible their utilization as natural preservatives, or as direct -fed microbial additives (DFM) with probiotic effect. Th e problems raised in conditioning of lactic bacteri a cultures are the effect of lactic acid accumulation and pH drop followed by death of bacterial cells. In this work bentonite is used both as excipient and as the main substrate for pH control. The aim of this wor k is to elaborate a procedure to multiply and to keep lacti c bacteria viable as long as possible in wet or dry products used in animal feeding. Lactic bacteria st rains from Collection of Industrial Microorganisms of F.Z.B. Timisoara can be used to produce lactic bact eria biomass using whey as culture medium. Bentonite can be used for conditioning lactic bacteria biomas s. The wet product can be preserved at +4 o C for up to 24 months. The dry product can be preserved at room te mperature for up to 3 months if contains Lb. acidophilus CMIT3 or up to 1 month if contains Lb. plantarum CMIT2, Lb. sp.CMIT1 or Ec. faecium CMIT4 . This procedure can be applied in conditioning ino culants applicable in animal feeding, in naturally preserving forages or other products by lactic ferm entation.
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