Due to the frequency of this phenomenon and the often considerable distress caused to the affected person, competent advice, diagnosis and treatment of snoring in adults is of particular importance. The aim of this guideline is to promote high-quality medical care for patients affected by this problem. According to the three-level concept of the AWMF, it corresponds to an S1 guideline. Prior to any therapeutic intervention, relevant sleep medical history, clinical examination, as well as a mandatory objective diagnostic measure are performed. Snoring is only treated if the patient asks for it. In general, invasive methods should be viewed critically and the patient should be advised correspondingly. In the case of surgical therapy, minimally invasive techniques are preferred. Reducing body weight (in the case of overweight snorers), abstinence from alcohol, nicotine and sleep medication, as well as maintaining a healthy sleep-wake cycle can be recommended from a sleep-medicine perspective, although convincing clinical studies are not yet available. Since evidence for the effectiveness of muscle stimulation or various methods for toning and training of the muscles of the floor of mouth is not available, these methods are not recommended. Snoring can be successfully treated with the use of an intraoral device; however, careful patient selection is important. Avoiding a supine position during sleep can be helpful in some cases. Only limited data is available on the success rates of the surgical approaches and long term data is often lacking, and not all techniques have been sufficiently evaluated from a scientific point of view. Nasal surgery is only indicated if the patient suffers from nasal obstruction. Extensive data supports the effectiveness of laser-assisted resection of excessive soft palate tissue (laser-assisted uvuloplasty, LAUP). In principle, however, such resections can be performed using other techniques. Placebo-controlled studies were able to prove the effectiveness of radiofrequency surgery of the soft palate. A reduction in snoring could also be achieved in many cases by means of soft palate implants with minimal post-operative morbidity. The indication for tonsillectomy and uvulopalatopharyngoplasty should be made cautiously due to the comparatively high morbidity associated with these procedures.
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