In this paper we calculate the exact partition function for free bosons on the plane with lacunae. First the partition function for a plane with two spherical holes is calculated by matching exactly for the infinite set of Wilson coefficients in an effective world line theory and then performing the ensuing Gaussian integration. The partition is then re-calculated using conformal field theory techniques, and the equality of the two results is made manifest. It is then demonstrated that there is an exact correspondence between the Wilson coefficients (susceptibilities) in the effective field theory and the weights of the individual excitations of the closed string coherent state on the boundary. We calculate the partition function for the case of three holes where CFT techniques necessitate a closed form for the map from the corresponding closed string pants diagrams. Finally, it is shown that the Wilson coefficients for the case of quartic and higher order kernels, where standard CFT techniques are no longer applicable, can also be completely determined. These techniques can also be applied to the case of non-trivial central charges.
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