The question of the imamate or the caliphate, the designation of the Muslimcommunity’s legitimate leader, is undoubtedly one of the most important inIslamic history. The first civil war (656-61), which broke out with the murderof Caliph `Uthman, had a profound effect not only on subsequentIslamic political and religious institutions, but also on later Muslims’ views,accounts, and discussions of the community’s early history. This bitter conflict,which necessarily involved extensive controversy concerning theidentity and required qualifications of the community’s legitimate leader, laid the foundations for an enduring theological split among Islam’s threemajor “sects”: the Shi`ites, the Sunnis, and the Kharijis – one that wouldpersist long after the war ended with the assassination of `Ali.Polemics among these groups, and among subcategories of the threemain groups, each of which endeavored to justify its contemporary viewson legitimate leadership and sectarian identity, were a creative force inmany fields. Bodies of theoretical discussion, primarily in theology butalso in law and other fields, grew around these polemics, using prooftextsfrom the Qur’an and Hadith, as well as historical accounts, as evidencein arguments about the Companions, their relationships with theProphet, their relative merits and other moral qualities, and their dealingswith each other. Though focused on a much earlier period and concerningconflicts long over, these polemics were all the more sensitive andemotionally charged because of their contemporary implications concerningthe legitimacy of the sectarian groups’ beliefs.Her work reveals, by examining one important intellectual exchange,some of the processes by which this body of theoretical discussion grew. Itanalyzes Bina’ al-Maqalah al-Fatimiyah fi Naqd al-Risalah al-`Uthmaniyah, a seventh-/thirteenth-century polemical Shi`ite work on theimamate, itself a refutation of a third-/ninth-century polemical work. Theauthor, Jamal al-Din Ahmad ibn Musa ibn Tawus (d. 673/1274-75),belonged to an established Twelver Shi`ite scholarly family from Hillah,southern Iraq. Both he and his brother, Radiy al-Din `Ali ibn Tawus (d.664/1266), were important thirteenth-century scholars, although Radiy al-Din has been better served than Jamal al-Din in modern scholarship sincethe publication of Kohlberg’s A Medieval Muslim Scholar at Work: IbnTawus and His Library (Leiden: 1992) ...
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