In March, 1914, the patient noticed, on a march, that the left leg was becoming numb and swollen. Two months later the glands in the left side of the neck were enlarged. He had not suffered any pain. On admission to hospital, June 21, 1914, he still complained of swelling and numbness in the left leg and thigh. The general physical condition and nutrition of the patient were good. He was 70y2 inches in height, and 139 pounds in weight. His skin was relaxed and showed no pigmentation. The mucous membranes were pale. Eyes, ears, and nose showed no significant abnormalities; the teeth were fairly good, but poorly cared for. The cervical glands on the right side, both superficial and deep, were hard and slightly movable. There was a slight infiltration of the surrounding tissue. The skin was not adherent to the glands. On the left side of the neck there was a large mass, hard, discrete, and movable. Pain developed in the glands on the left side of the neck, where there was some redness of the skin. Incision was made and pus drained. Aside from increased resonance in the left infra-clavicular region and a few moist rales in the left side of the chest, the lungs and chest were normal and the sputum negative. The heart and blood vessels were normal. The systolic blood pressure was 135; the diastolic, 70; pulse pressure, 65; pulse rate, 85. There was a slight dilatation of the superficial veins of the abdomen. In the left lower abdomen there was a large, hard, and slightly movable mass. The left internal iliac glands were enlarged, hard, and movable. The left leg at the thigh was IV2 inches larger than the right; at the middle of the calf, 1 inch larger than the right. Edematous swelling was present, as a result probably of pressure by the enlarged iliac glands on the left iliac vessels. The axillary glands on both sides were enlarged, hard, and movable. There was no evidence of obstruction in the upper extremities. The feces were negative. The urine showed a specific gravity of 1.008; hyaline and granular casts, and epithelial cells, squamous and round; genitourinary system otherwise normal. The blood showed 4,300,000 red cells, 10,400 white cells, hemoglobin 73*^, small mononuclears 46.75*^, large mononuclears