The high-precision description of black hole scattering in classical general relativity using the post-Minkowskian (PM) expansion requires the evaluation of single-scale Feynman integrals at increasing loop orders. Up to 4PM, the scattering angle and the impulse are expressible in terms of polylogarithmic functions and Calabi-Yau (CY) twofold periods. As in QFT, periods of higher dimensional CY n-folds are expected at higher PM order. We find at 5PM in the dissipative leading order self-force sector (5PM-1SF) that the only nonpolylogarithmic functions are the K3 periods encountered before and the ones of a new hypergeometric CY threefold. In the 5PM-2SF sector further CY twofold and threefold periods appear. Griffiths transversality of the CY period motives allows one to transform the differential equations for the master integrals into ε-factorized form and to solve them in terms of a well-controlled function space, as we demonstrate in the 5PM-1SF sector. Published by the American Physical Society 2024
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