The European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN), 1 1 established in 2003 through the EU Fifth Framework Programme (FP) project, was given a more permanent character by the foundation of the ENEN Association, a legal nonprofit-making body pursuing an instructive and scientific aim. Its main objective is the preservation and further development of expertise in the nuclear fields by higher education and training. This objective is realized through the cooperation between EU universities involved in education and research in nuclear disciplines, nuclear research centers and the nuclear industry. As of May 2009, the ENEN has 47 members in 17 EU countries. Since 2007 the ENEN Association has concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with partners beyond Europe for further cooperation, such as South Africa, Russian Federation and Japan. The ENEN has good collaboration with national networks and international organizations, like Belgian Nuclear Education Network (BNEN) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The ENEN has provided support to its Members for the organization of and participation to selected E&T courses in nuclear fields. Based on the mutual recognition of those courses, the ENEN developed a reference curriculum in nuclear engineering, consisting of a core package of courses and optional substitute courses in nuclear disciplines, to be realized as the European Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering (EMSNE). From the experience gained through the EMSNE, a European Master of Science in Nuclear Disciplines will be delivered in the near future, extending ENEN's certification to other disciplines such as radiation protection and waste management and disposal. The ENEN-II Coordination Action consolidated and expanded the achievements of the ENEN and the NEPTUNO projects attained by the ENEN in respectively the 5th and 6th Framework Programmes. The objective of the ENEN-II project was to develop the ENEN Association in a sustainable way in the areas of nuclear engineering, radiation protection and radioactive waste management, including underground disposal. The current developments in the 7th FP show that this has partially been achieved. Indeed, the interaction between the different communities, engineering, radiation protection and waste management, has been considerably strengthened. The training scheme projects ENEN-III, PETRUS-II and ENETRAP-II now starting under the 7th FP are distinct activities, which have been prepared in mutual consultation by the three communities and the ENEN Association is a partner in the three consortia, assuming a pivotal role in the coordination and streamlining of education and training activities in the European Union. In December 2008 the EU Council welcomed the existence within the EU of coordinated teaching and training leading to qualifications in the nuclear field, provided notably by the ENEN, and expressed its hope that, with the help of the EU, ENEN and its members will continue to develop the coordination of nuclear education and training in Europe (COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION 15406/08 “The Needs for Skills in the Nuclear Field”). The ENEN endeavours to respond to their expectations in the years to come. The ENEN has been actively participating in the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNE-TP) and co-chairing the Education, Training and Knowledge Management Working Group. It has also contribute to the European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) activities.
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