The article is devoted to the investigation of the question what a real source of human rights is, and, in particular, is it the human dignity?The authors say that honour and dignity may not be recognized as the features of the abstract human. It was emphasized that, according to the law of unity and struggle of opposites, honour and dignity may not exist without their antipodes, such as dishonor and unworthiness. The authors say that the attributing of honor and dignity to any person nullifies the role of morality and leads to the ethical degradation of society.The authors write that the World Religions (in particular, such as Buddhism, Christianity and Islam), which made a significant contribution to the formation of human civilizations, assess human nature as «sinful». So, it means that the concept of the human rights, which is based on the ideas of the human dignity, contradicts to the worldview and philosophical grounds of the main civilizations of the world. Some attention also was paid to the opinions of the philosophers of the previous ages (such as N. Machiavelli, T. Hobbes, F. de La Rochefoucauld, Ch.L. de Montesquieu and others) on the matter of the essence of the human nature, dignity and honour.The authors say that the monarch is officially recognized as the fount of honour is the states with the monarchical form of government. So, if the human dignity is the source of the human rights, in fact, the source of both these categories is the state. It was noted that the majority of the citizens of any state has no any state awards and insignias from the head of the state, but is does not mean that they do not have any rights. So, the honour and dignity are not the source of the human rights.The authors say that the honour and dignity of the human is not an undoubted fact, but they are only a rebuttable presumption. It means that the modern concept of the human rights, which is based on this rebuttable presumption, in fact, is very shaky.The authors say that the level of the material and spiritual development of the society on a certain stage of its history, as well as the state, which fixes the human rights in the official sources of law and protects them from the possible violations, are the real sources of the human rights, etc.