Ethephon [(2-chloroethyl) phosphonic acid] and a morphactin IT 3456 (methyl-2-chloro-9-hydroxy-fluorene-9-carboxylate) were applied as sprays to 9Thompson Seedless9 and 9Carignane9 grapes at prebloom, bloom, fruit set, or 2 weeks after fruit set. Ethephon was used at 30, 300, and 3,000 ppm, and morphactin at 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 ppm. On 9Thompson Seedless,9 morphactin at 100 ppm resulted in much leaf cupping and abnormal venation. Prebloom and bloom treatments had more formative effects than did later applications. However, axillary bud growth was stimulated by sprays at fruit set and after fruit set. The response of 9Carignane9 was similar but less marked. Ethephon at 3,000 ppm applied at prebloom or bloom to 9Thompson Seedless9 caused curling of shoot tips and development of abscission layers at the apical nodes. Ethephon reduced the crop on 9Thompson Seedless9 at almost every level tested, and 30 ppm was effective at the prebloom stage. With 9Carignane9, fruit set was reduced by all concentrations of ethephon except with the treatment after fruit set. Morphactin reduced the crop of 9Thompson Seedless9 the most when applied at prebloom or fruit set, and 9Carignane9 was most sensitive at the first three growth stages. In the season following treatment, bud break was usually delayed on 9Thompson Seedless9 that had been treated with ethephon; but morphactin delayed bud break only when 100 ppm was applied at prebloom. Both ethephon and morphactin applied at the high rate usually reduced the number of clusters the following year. Growth of ethephontreated 9Thompson Seedless9 vines was weak, especially with the higher concentration. Results with 9Carignane9 were similar to those of 9Thompson 9Seedless9. Main veins of the leaves and clusters of 9Carignane9 treated with morphactin were fasciated, though vine vigor was normal. With later dates of treatment, damage on leaves and clusters was closer to the apex.
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