Kochi City, situated in the vicinity of the industrial hub and marine niche, is significantly loaded with ionic compounds and get into the atmospheric aerosols which deteriorate the health status of the environment. The distribution of both acid and water extractable cations (Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+) with respect to time and space, in the two phases (I and II) were performed at distinct sites of Kochi, Kerala, India. The study revealed that the water soluble Na+ ion is highlighted in the estuarine site (E1) with momentous load at the coastal site (C1) implying the sea salt influence at these two sites. The average NH4+ and K+ concentration (acid and water soluble fractions) recorded is mostly at the industrial site (R2) which may be endorsed due to the application of NPK fertilizers and also from the process of wood burning sources. Further, K+ is the prominent acid and water soluble cation recorded in the study. Mg2+ ion having both oceanic and anthropogenic origin contributes the present observed pollution load. Average acid soluble Ca2+ content is noted maximum at the estuarine spot E1, where as the hike with respect to water soluble fraction of this ion is noticed at the industrial site, R2. These inferences justify the influence of point sources such as industrial, crustal and construction related activities affecting in and around this metropolis.
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