Abstract. An airborne gamma-ray remote-sensing technique provides a strong potential to estimate a reliable snow water equivalent (SWE) in forested environments where typical remote-sensing techniques have large uncertainties. This study explores the utility of assimilating the temporally (up to four measurements during a winter period) and spatially sparse airborne gamma SWE observations into a land surface model (LSM) to improve SWE estimates in forested areas in the northeastern US. Here, we demonstrate that the airborne gamma SWE observations add value to the SWE estimates from the Noah LSM with multiple parameterization options (Noah-MP) via assimilation despite the limited number of measurements. Improvements are witnessed during the snow accumulation period, while reduced skills are seen during the snowmelt period. The efficacy of the gamma data is greater for areas with lower vegetation cover fraction and topographic heterogeneity ranges, and it is still effective at reducing the SWE estimation errors for areas with higher topographic heterogeneity. The gamma SWE data assimilation (DA) also shows a potential to extend the impact of flight-line-based measurements to adjacent areas without observations by employing a localization approach. The localized DA reduces the modeled SWE estimation errors for adjacent grid cells up to 32 km distance from the flight lines. The enhanced performance of the gamma SWE DA is evident when the results are compared to those from assimilating the existing satellite-based SWE retrievals from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) for the same locations and time periods. Although there is still room for improvement, particularly for the melting period, this study shows that the gamma SWE DA is a promising method to improve the SWE estimates in forested areas.
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