Erzurum Bolgesinde Safra Kesesi Polip Sikligi ve Risk Faktorleri Gallbladder polyp prevalence in the Region of Erzurum and Risk Factors Abstract Aim: Gallbladder polyps are usually detected incidentally by ultrasonographic examination or after cholecystectomy. D ata on the prevalence of gallbladder polyps (GP) is less in our country. In this study, we aimed to determine the prevalence of gallbladder polyps and to identify risk factors of gallbladder polyps in the Erzurum region. Materials and Methods: This study was performed with retrospectively assessment whic of abdominal ultrasonography made in the radiology clinic of Erzurum Regional Training and Research Hospital between January 2009-September 2009. GP was detected patients' files were reviewed. Data were collected regarding the patients’ gender, age, serum lipid levels, number and diameter of gallbladder polyps, gallstones and hepatosteatosis. As a control group was taken from people who age and sex matched subjects consecutively admitted to hospital for check-ups from147 healthy people. Results: GP was detected 132 (1.75%) of 7562 patients. Of the GP subjects, 85 (64.4%) were women and 47 (35.6%) were men with a mean age of 46.79±15.39 years. Abdominal ultrasound was performed to 7562 people. 132 of these people (1.75%) was detected gallbladder polyp. Mean polyp size 5.38 mm (1.5-26 mm) was found to be. Between Low serum HDL, high serum LDL, high serum total cholesterol levels, hepatosteatosis and gallbladder polyps were statistically significant difference (p 0.05). Conclusion: In this study, prevalence of gallbladder polyps was found 1.75 % in large patient populations in the Erzurum region and gallbladder polyps were frequently detected after 40 years of age. There was relationship between the female gender, age, high blood total and LDL cholesterol, low blood HDL cholesterol and gallbladder polyps. Key words: Gallbladder polyps, ultrasonography Ozet Amac: Safra kesesi polipleri genellikle ultrasonografi ya da kolesistektomi sonrasinda rastlantisal olarak tespit edilirler. Ulkemizde safra kesesi sikligi ile ilgili veriler yetersizdir. Bu calismadaki amacimiz Erzurum bolgesinde safra kesesi polip sikligini belirlemek ve risk faktorlerini arastirmakti. Gerec ve Yontem: Bu calisma, Ocak 2009- Eylul 2009 tarihleri arasinda Erzurum Bolge Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi Radyoloji kliniginde yapilan batin ultrasografilerin retrospektif olarak degerlendirilmesiyle yapildi. Safra kesesi polipi tespit edilen hastalarin cinsiyet, yas, serum lipit duzeyleri, safra kesesi poliplerinin sayi ve caplari, safra tasi ve hepatosteatoz varligi tespit edilerek kaydedildi. Kontrol grubu olarak yas ve cinsiyet ile uyumlu bilinen kronik hastaligi olmayan ve check-up amacli hastaneye basvuran ardisik 147 saglikli kisi alindi. Bulgular: Toplam 7562 hastanin 132’sinde (%1.75) safra kesesi polipi saptandi. Safra kesesi polipi saptanan hastalarin 85 (%64.4)’i kadin, 47 (%35.6)’si erkek olup yas ortalamasi 46.79±15.39 idi. Ortalama polip buyuklugu 5.38 mm (1.5-26 mm) olarak tespit edildi. Dusuk HDL, yuksek LDL, yuksek total kolesterol duzeyleri ve hepatosteatoz ile safra kesesi polipleri arasinda iliski saptandi (p 0.05) Sonuc: Bu calismada genis hasta populasyonunda Erzurum cevresinde eriskinlerde safra kesesi polip sikligini %1.75 ve s afra kesesi polipi gorulme yasinin genellikle 40 yasindan sonra oldugu saptandi. Ayrica safra kesesi polipi ile kadin cinsiyet, yas, yuksek LDL ve total kolesterol, dusuk HDL kolesterol ve hepatosteatoz arasinda iliskili oldugu tespit edildi. Anahtar kelimeler: Safra kesesi polibi, ultrasonografi
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