THIS text-book is primarily intended for the use of students preparing for the chemist and druggist qualifying examination of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. The subject-matter covers the syllabus for this examination, and is arranged in a systematized, concise manner so that the student can readily grasp it. The drugs dealt with are classified according to their morphological nature under barks, roots, seeds, fruits, etc. This enables the student to compare and contrast similar morphological structures by their macroscopic characters. Microscopy is limited, so as to fulfil the above examination requirements, to starches, calcium oxa-late crystals, epidermal trichomes, hairs and fibres used in surgical dressings, and filtering materials. Attention is given to recent work on the identifying and evaluation of drugs, the use of the ultra-violet lamp, methods of cultivation, collection, stabilization, drying, preservation and the detection of adulteration and of insect invasion. Reasons are given for the standards of purity laid down by the British Pharmacopœia. A Textbook of Pharmacognosy By T. C. Denston. Third edition. Pp. xvi+583. (London: Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, Ltd., 1939.) 20s. net.
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