1. Fruits of Annona cherimola Mill. can be segregated into horticultural groups based on the nature of the fruit form and surface characters. 2. Considerable variation in density of epidermal hair and stomata is found between fruits of different horticultural varieties and between different parts of the fruit. 3. The bulk of the carpellary wall is parenchyma, the outer portion of which contains sclereid masses. These masses of sclerenchyma have modified parenchymatous cells radiating outward from them. 4. The vascular supply for each carpel is derived from a central reticulate vascular cylinder in the receptacle. Each carpellary bundle divides into three strands upon entering the carpel. One strand supplies the ovule; the other two become the dorsal and ventral bundles. 5. Starch is the prominent ergastic material found throughout the parenchyma in the firm mature fruit but disappears rapidly and completely as the fruit softens. Oil idioblasts are scattered through the parenchyma of the carpellary wall and of the endosperm of the seed. 6. The seed coat consists of heavily lignified, sclerenchymatous layers. The inner surface of the inner integument is characterized by a layer, one or two cells in thickness, in which the cells show extreme variability in shape and are separated by conspicuously large intercellular spaces. 7. The cells of the convolute endosperm are filled primarily with starch, although a number of oil idioblasts occur, particularly near the periphery.
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