Alternative injection of gas as slugs with water slugs, or alternative water gas injection, is the conventional technique for improving the recovery factor due to its high potential for mobilizing the residual oil in place in the reservoirs and to control gas mobility. The water alternating gas methodology is a combination of two oil recovery procedures: gas injection and waterflooding. The principal parameters that must be evaluated in water alternating gas injection in laboratory scale are reservoir heterogeneity, rock type, and fluid properties. In the current investigation, a feasibility study has been performed to analyze the five various scenarios of enhanced oil recovery techniques and compare them experimentally. The laboratory experiments are done for one of the Iranian reservoirs which have been subjected to waterflooding for several years, and the amount of recovery factor for water flooding is about 42%. The results of this study illustrate that water alternating gas injection and hot water alternating gas injection exert a profound impact on the amount of recovery factor. Moreover, the primary purpose of this study is to assess the application of alternative hot water and hot carbon dioxide gas injections in the conventional and fractured reservoir model.